PTA Extended Day Spring 2022 Lottery
Spring 2022 Session
Monday March 28th- Friday June 17th
Lottery Open Friday March 4th to Thursday March 10th.
Fees: Annual Family Registration fee: $65
1 day per week $250, 2 days per week $500; 3 days per week $750; 4 days per week $950; 5 days per week $1,125
Lottery Process
The Spring session of Extended Day registration opens Friday March 4th. Class selection is through a lottery process. The lottery will close at 9:00 PM on Thursday March 10th. Here’s how to participate:
Review the Extended Day class offerings, class descriptions, and vendor & Teacher descriptions on the tabs to the right.
Use the Spring 2022 Lottery tab to the right to fill out the lottery form (paper forms are available in the PTA office - room 107 and at the Sign-Out table during Extended Day hours)
Complete one lottery form for each child you wish to register.
Select your first, second and third choice of classes for every day you wish to register your child for Extended Day. For 1st thru 5th grades there are two enrichment times (3:10-4:10 or 4:15-5:15), your child will receive one enrichment class per day which will include the afternoon of childcare from dismissal until 6:00 PM.
Please do not request a 2nd period enrichment class if your child needs to leave prior to 5:20 PM.
NEW - 2nd Enrichment Class option. If you would like your child to take two enrichment classes on the same day, the 2nd class will be an additional fee of $150 plus any surcharges, if applicable.
Spanish Academy and Guitar - returning students only. (These programs will accept new students in Fall 2022.)
Joining AFTER a PS10 afterschool activity? You have two options:
Choose a 2nd period enrichment class (4:15-5:15 PM)
Choose “Second Half”, which is Open Session from whenever your child is finished with their activity until 6:00 PM
The online lottery closes Friday March 10, 2022 at 9:00 PM. All online and paper forms must be received by then.
Registration is a blind sort with an emphasis on making sure as many children as possible get a first- or second-choice class.
Families will be informed of class selections the week of March 21, 2022 through their Extended Day account. Please ensure that the email address on your account is current.
Please pay all outstanding Balances before completing the lottery including sessions during the 2020 -2021 school year, September Smash, Fall 2021 or Winter 2022. Your child will not be enrolled in the Spring session if your account is not current. Your child will be placed on the waitlist for classes selected.
By enrolling in the PS10 Extended Day Program, you agree to pay the fees as invoiced and abide by all of the PS10 PTA Extended Day policies and guidelines.
Credit cards on file with the PS10 Extended Day registration system will be automatically debited on April 1st, May 1st and June 1st 2022.